Guo CHEN (陈果)
Hunan University

College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering
Deputy Director
Office of Informatization

Hunan University, Yuelu District,
Changsha, Hunan, China,




I am a Professor at College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, and Deputy Director of Office of Informatization, Hunan University.

Before I joined Hunan University, I worked at Microsoft Research Asia as an Associate Researcher, from 2016-2018. During my years at MSRA (started from 2014 as a research intern), I was lucky to work closely with many great researchers such as Kun Tan from Wireless & Networking Group, Thomas Moscibroda from Cloud & Mobile Group, Lidong Zhou from System Group, and Yongqiang Xiong from Networking Group.
I got my Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science at Tsinghua University, working with Dan Pei and Youjian Zhao. I did my undergrad at Wuhan University.

I have been doing research on computer networking for many years, with a recent focus on high performance data center networking. I have published more than 40 papers including those on top conferences/journals like NSDI, USENIX ATC, INFCOM, ToN, JSAC. My research has been adopted in Huawei Kunpeng CPU, Tencent switch, Tencent CDN and Baidu wireless search, etc.

I love to play volleyball. I served as the captain of Tsinghua University volleyball team, which won the silver medal twice in Beijing University Volleyball League in 2015 and 2014. I'm also good at badminton :)


Course pages can be found here.


Student/Intern pages can be found here. I'm lucky to work with these excellent students/interns!

Selected Publications

Full publication list can be found here (by date).

Research Grants
